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from the veiwpoint of a tattoo'd christian!! Controversal i know!
tina - england (Monday, July 14, 2008)
I happen to think this artical is pretty bad.Jesus came to bring freedom, Freedom from the old law which people thought would bring them closer to god. Which is in esence the old testament. the verses used in this article are from leviticus. written by the levites. and for anyone who doesnt know the leveits were priests. They were specifically called by god to do a specific work in a specific way. and for them it meant not marking themseleves. It also meant alot of others things. read it for yourself if you dnt get me. But in the new testament christ came to free people from being law followers to a unobtainable law.
It is by faith in christ jesus that we are saved.
galatians 2:16 'yet we know that a person is made right with god by faith in Jesus Christ, not by obeying the law.....for knowone will ever be made right with god by obeying the law.'
This is not to say the Law is bad. i'm just thinking that it says it doesnt make you any better than anyone if you do follow it or not. it doesnt get you any closer to god. especially if your just going through the motions of being law abiding but dont actually have any faith in Jesus.
I personally think it all comes down to personal conviviction its taken me a while to get to this point. I myself am a christian and i have tattoos and plan to get more. its says in hebrews 10:16 '..I will put my laws in their hearts and i will write them on their minds' That to me is a very personal thing. Whats law to me may not be law to another. And personally i feel at peace about tattooing myself.
And as for the artwork. well whoever says tattoos are just evil are wrong. i like to think all of my tatoos bring glory to god. They are pictures that for me that depict love and grace. they show personal journey of faith. and i believe thats what tattoos are supposed to be about right. Everyone has a choice to what ink they put on their body right. its just about who you choose to honor god, yourself, people, trends, other gods,status, to conform or to become non conformist.
Well thats my view. feel free to comment.
The One - England (Thursday, February 28, 2008)
The mark of the beast has many interpretations. You do not live if you have it, neither do you if you don't, the old testament is different to the new. Jesus died so Christians and everybody elses sins are forgiven. So tattoo isn't bad anymore, he'll forgive you. Blasphemy is the only unforgivable sin. If you read the bible then you know that the devil doesn't pick who stays or doesn't but will too be thrown into the lake of fire. The good go to heaven and the decent remain on earth free of death, lives happily. Anyway, enough of the education. This article is good and gives the required information for the most popular and even pagans. Great.
stacy - texas (Sunday, October 30, 2005)
actually the mark of the beast is 666 if you take the mark of the beast you live if you dont then you get beheaded the only upside of that is you get to go to heaven but if you took the mark of the beast you stay alive but when jesus comes you get thrown into the lake of burning sulfer ... its really stupid but whatever either way HAIL TATTOOS HAIL SATAN

